Blog posts Why We Have Altered Our Formula
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Why We Have Altered Our Formula

With our new brand look we have welcomed other changes into the world of Nuzest. We have now introduced steviol glycosides into our formula, it was a tough decision but one we stand by completely!

Although we would love to be able to continue the use of thaumatin (katemfe fruit) as our sweetener, under the European Food Safety Standards - which the UK is still required to adhere to - it is no longer permitted. The only natural alternative is stevia which we are satisfied is a safe and suitable solution. (This article written by one of Nuzest’s key formulators Cliff Harvey PhD, discusses the many benefits of stevia).

We do not see this change as a mark against our quality or uniqueness. We still use the finest pea protein isolate on the planet, Pisane, sourced from Cosucra in Belgium; world leaders in this field, and we blend it with only the best quality natural flavours. Indeed flavours are the most expensive component and we have had to use more expensive and more intense flavours to make up for the absence of thaumatin. The product is still allergen free, GMO free and lectin free, making it one of the most easily, digested proteins available. We use no gums, thickeners, masking agents or preservatives.

Unfortunately taste is very subjective and although we have carried out extensive double blind tasting surveys without any detection of a stevia aftertaste and with results favouring the new formula, we know not everyone will be satisfied. Consumer feedback however has been excellent!! We therefore hope our existing consumers are able to embrace the change and love our new range as much as we do. For all the new consumers...welcome to Nuzest, you won't be able to put it down!