Why Not Whey?
7 min read

Why Not Whey?

Diet & Nutrition Education Supplements

We are often asked why we chose pea protein for our Clean Lean Protein? Why would we choose a pea when there are so many other protein supplements on the market? Why not whey?

The misconception that protein is only present in animal products is still a cause for confusion, however with plant-based diets booming, the myth that plants cannot possibly provide comprehensive nutrition, is slowly fading.

What is whey?

Whey is an animal protein isolated from milk and makes up about 20% of milk protein. Whey and casein are by-products of cheese production, where enzymes added to the milk cause it to separate into curds of casein and liquid whey. The liquid whey is then stripped of minerals, fats and carbohydrates. The liquid whey concentrate is then spray dried with hot and cold air to become whey protein powder.

Whey Protein is the leading household favourite, but for many years now pea protein has contested for the top spot; boasting a host of benefits for both our health and the health of the planet. Compared to pea protein, animal sources, such as whey protein, use more water and require more than 80% more land required to produce the same amount of plant protein sources. They put nitrogen back into the soil, reducing the need for fertilizer. The nutritional and environmental benefits of the pea, however, have unfortunately been largely forgotten in our modern world.

The Benefits

When we think of a pea, we think green! However, pea protein is produced via the extraction of soluble pea protein from yellow split peas, followed by drying and rehydration of the produced pea flour. This process allows the retention of the natural vitamins, minerals and nutrients present, so we don’t miss out on the goodness of the pea.

Pea protein is a complete protein, which means it contains all nine of the essential amino acids, which cannot be synthesised by the body, and so must be obtained from our diet. All are beneficial for repairing exercise-induced muscle damage and promoting muscle-protein synthesis, as well as the regulation of mood and sleep.
Research has shown the consumption of pea protein increased muscle thickness gains following resistance exercise, especially for those starting or returning to a muscular strengthening. Though whey is also a complete protein and holds the same benefits, pea protein actually contains 3 times more Arginine (an essential amino acid) than whey protein. Arginine has said to contribute to blood flow, aid recovery time and boost the immune system, so plenty of this is a truly good thing!!

Vegetables, such as peas, have a false reputation of leaving you hungry for more, and yes pea protein holds less calories (~90 kcal) than whey protein (~100-150 kcal) but it is still 80-90% protein. Protein is known as a hunger buster, it reduces the level of ghrelin in your body (the hunger hormone), and boosts the satiety hormone, Peptide YY. But hey, if you’re still peckish after your serving of pea protein, why not make a nutritious smoothie!!

Why have whey when its consumption is limited to only a fraction of the population? For individuals who can’t consume animal protein due to dietary requirements, preferences and intolerances, pea protein is a perfect alternative! As lactose from dairy milk is used as the base to form the whey protein concentrate, individuals who are plant based, vegan or lactose intolerant should avoid using whey protein supplements. However, pea protein is for every-body! It doesn’t discriminate and certainly doesn’t diminish any of the effects seen from consuming whey protein. Whey protein can be difficult for some people to digest due to the presence of milk-derived ingredients. Yet, pea protein can be absorbed by the gut wall, making it an ideal option for fuelling your body without having to worry about digestive complications. This is also beneficial for athletes who consume pea protein before and during exercise, and even for the commuter who is always pushed for time in the mornings...The benefits are never ending!

Pea Protein in Action

Nuzest Clean Lean Protein is arguably the highest quality and best tasting plant-based protein on the planet. We guarantee that our Clean Lean Protein is made with 100% European Golden Pea Protein isolate. It’s not blended with less expensive sources to lower the cost or make up for supply shortages… it’s European from seed to mouth. The high quality is reflected through the high percentage of protein (90%), as well as the removal of almost all anti-nutritional factors, including Lectins and Phytates.

Put simply, our protein is completely natural, containing only natural flavours. No artificial flavours or colors. No fillers, preservatives, emulsifiers, gums or other processing aids. Clean Lean Protein is…

  • 100% Plant Based; completely Vegan
  • High in protein including BCAAs and Glutamine
  • A complete protein containing all 9 essential amino acids
  • Very low in carbohydrates and fat
  • Low sugar profile
  • Highly digestible (98%)
  • Alkaline
  • Free of all Allergens
  • Free from lectins
  • Free from GMOs

We understand for some, whey protein will forever be their winner, but for us we believe the golden pea is the future for all good health and wellbeing! If you’re looking for a high-quality pea protein, then you are in the right place.